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DATA BECKER & PAW-Software, Walter Fürhauser
No specific info about version 1.3. Please visit the main page of DATA BECKER Your Handwriting II on Software Informer.
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Comments (1)
I used the original version nearly a decade ago to create a personal hand printing font, and it worked wonderfully. But over time, I somehow lost the disc. I found a copy of 1.8 for sale from a UK owner on eBay and bought it. I installed it, and it would run on Windows 10. Sort of. It will launch, but it won't let you open older .ttf fonts you've created without some tweaking of file names. But even using the supplied .ttf fonts, you can't install them on your machine. When I researched this, I found a link to an old Data Becker UK site that mentioned a replacement handfont.exe file that would resolve the error message you get... the error message being ""The font "C:\Program Files\DATA BECKER\Your Handwriting II\HandFont$.ttf cannot be installed on your system!".
Unfortunately, the link to the replacement executable file no longer works, and I'm at a loss to get it working.
So push come to shove, unless someone has access to the fixed executable file for handfont.exe, I would consider this a dead product. Not only no longer supported, but also no longer functional.